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Delta Testing

Tester Impact Score

What is a Tester Impact Score?

The Tester Impact Score is the aggregated Feedback Impact Score of all the project feedback from an individual tester, revealing the impact that specific tester has had on your product. This allows teams to easily rank testers by the quality of their feedback and its impact overall.

Example of tester impact score from the Centercode Project Overview Dashboard
Example of tester impact score

Why is a Tester Impact Score important?

Tester Impact Score is a useful calculation to identify your superstars in delta testing. This helps you identify which users to recruit for high-profile projects, set criteria for rewarding engagement appropriately, and nurture evangelists for your product.

How is Tester Impact Score calculated?

Tester Impact Score is more than a summation of all the feedback that a specific tester has submitted. It also factors in the Feedback Impact Score on items of feedback they originated. While any tester can vote on a submitted issue or idea, it's only the original submitter of that feedback who gets awarded the total Feedback Impact Score as a part of Tester Impact Score.

For example: A tester submits five pieces of feedback, and each piece of feedback has a Feedback Impact Score of 150. The tester has a Tester Impact Score of 750. Or say a tester submits three pieces of feedback with Feedback Impact Scores of 120, 60, and 20. Their total Tester Impact Score is 200.

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