You. Doing the Impossible. Again.
Testing without automation is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. But with Centercode, there's no contest. Managing testers will become the easiest part of your day.
Centercode Grinds, You Shine

Launch Successfully
Every Time
Aligned to Tester Habits
If a tester usually submits feedback on weekends or evenings, they'll get a ping when they're most likely to respond.
Centercode sends reminders and updates at times that make sense to your testers — not just on Cupertino time.
Mobile With Your Testers
Testers receive alerts and complete feedback via the Centercode Mobile app, making it easy for them to stay engaged.
Categorized Cohorts
Import your test plan, then let Centercode bubble up feedback from your most important user segments.
Custom Onboarding Flows
Need to invite one group by link and another by email? No problem. You can tailor and automate onboarding experiences.
Recruit Targeted Testers
Identify candidates based on where they live or the devices they own with confidence that your intel is accurate.