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Product Management

Minimum Viable Feature (MVF)

What is a Minimum Viable Feature (MVF)?

A Minimum Viable Feature (MVF) is a feature developed using minimal resources to validate its satisfaction, usefulness, and usage with a group of customers or potential customers. These small features are usually built in a short period of time and quickly gather feedback for a product manager to learn if it's something that should receive further dedication or improvements.

Why is an MVF useful for product management teams?

Similar to Minimum Viable Products, the idea is to test the waters and to see if there's merit to building or offering this solution to a larger base. 

By using a small, experimental feature, product teams can quickly:

  • Verify the feature provides value to the user
  • Understand issues or ideas that can improve the feature experience
  • Identify which attributes of the feature will be marketable
  • Validate if the feature should be prioritized with additional resources

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