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Delta Testing

Demographic Segmentation

What is demographic segmentation?

Demographic segmentations is the grouping of your target market, customers, or users that are defined by certain shared traits such as age, gender, or income. Demographic segmentation is a method for segmenting your market so that you can understand how to better tailor your product, marketing, and sales to them.

Examples of demographic segmentation attributes include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Education
  • Occupation
  • Family status
  • Living status

Compare this to psychographic and technographic segmentation.

Use of demographic segmentations in delta testing

Delta testing uses three primary requirements when recruiting testers: core requirements, demographics, and technographics. Demographics are used as a filter criteria to select testers based on a demographic attribute. 

This allows teams to segment their data based on these criteria as well, so you can answer questions like:

  • Are males or females more satisfied with the setup experience?
  • What region is seeing more issues?
  • What issues were seniors running into?
  • Was the feature set acceptable to people in the tech industry?

Organizations can also tailor communication or access tasks to different tester teams based on their demographics. So you can provide instructions for young adults vs. seniors or provide accessories to those in cold weather regions vs. warmer climates.

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