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Test Management

The Magic of Beta Test Automation

January 30, 2023

Do you wish you could optimize your beta testing process and increase your productivity as a product manager? Test automation can work like magic to help you streamline your workflows and free up more time for product strategy and innovation. With test automation, you can streamline the tedious and time-consuming tasks of beta testing, allowing you to focus on high-impact, rewarding work that drives success for your product. Leveraging automation will allow you to improve your product's quality and release it to market faster.

But what if automation was actually magic? What might the spells be for beta testing and which tasks would they make vanish into thin air?

In this blog, we'll explore how test automation can be a game-changer for product managers, helping you to achieve your goals faster and more efficiently, making you your company’s “Sorcerer Supreme” as you save your next product launch… with the help of a little magic of course ;)

Magic Spells to Become a Beta Testing Wizard

Magic Spells to Become a Beta Testing Wizard:

Plan Tests - Programmatum Ordonius

Plan Tests - Programmatum Ordonius

(proh-gram-ah-tum OR-doh-knee-us)

Unsure about the test schedule and how to most effectively organize product features? Go no further! Simply focus on the product features in need of testing and recite the incantation: "Programmatum Ordo." The features will then be magically sorted and organized into a clear and concise schedule for testing. This spell is ideal for ensuring that all features are thoroughly tested and that the testing process runs smoothly.

Educate Testers - Instructo

Educate Testers - Instructo


This spell allows the caster to magically impart knowledge and understanding to new testers about what to expect during a beta test. When cast, a green mist seems to appear out of thin air coalescing into a holographic in the air, depicting various aspects of the testing process. The ethereal image can be customized by the caster, and may include details about the purpose of the test, the types of tasks that testers will be asked to complete, and any guidelines or rules that must be followed. As the spell rotates and expands, it can also provide tips and strategies for successful beta testing, helping new testers to feel confident and prepared for the task ahead. When training large groups of testers, this spell will help establish your expectations, without forcing you to answer endless variations of the same questions.

Confirm Product Delivery - Verifio

Confirm Product Delivery - Verifio


When you need to confirm that all testers have the necessary tools and resources before beginning the testing process, cast “Verifio”. When the incantation is spoken, testers will be magically scanned for the beta version of your product, and if it’s in the tester’s possession, will send confirmation to the caster. This spell can save time and resources by eliminating the need for manual verification. You must cast this spell with a clear and specific purpose in mind, such as verifying the presence of the beta version or ensuring that all testers are prepared to begin testing, otherwise tester confirmations will be unreliable.

Announce Test Activities - Annunciatus

Announce Test Activities - Annunciatus


This spell allows the caster to magically announce activities and updates to a group of testers. When cast, a bright purple spark will shoot from the end of the wand, and a message will appear in the air, visible to all testers no matter where they are located. The message can be customized by the caster, and can include details about the activity or update, as well as any instructions or additional information. Testers will receive the message instantly, and can respond to the announcement using the same magical process. This spell is particularly useful for coordinating and communicating with large groups of testers, and can save time and effort when compared to more traditional methods of communication.

Send Activity Reminders - Memorandium Transmitto

Send Activity Reminders - Memorandium Transmitto

(meh-muh-RAHN-dee-uhm trans-MIT-oh)

This spell gives the caster the ability to magically remind testers to complete test activities via email (not owl). Simply focus on the recipient's email address and recite the incantation: "Memorandium Transmitto." The email will instantly appear in the recipient's inbox, reminding them of their test duties and urging them to take action. Activity reminders are key to maintaining consistent participation, and by extension, keep Issues, Ideas, Praise, and any other feedback flowing. Often testers aren’t dedicating their lives to testing so this spell is particularly useful when they need a little extra nudge to stay on track.

Mass Modify Feedback - Formulae Modifico

Mass Modify Feedback - Formulae Modifico

(fohr-moo-lay moh-dih-fih-koh)

When it becomes necessary to modify more than a few pieces of feedback at once, you’ll be glad to have mastered this spell. Simply focus on the modifications and recite the incantation, "Formulae Modifico." Instantly, the feedback will be updated en masse to reflect the changes that you needed. This spell is often overlooked, but can save tons of time when you need to recategorize a list of issues reported as “setup” issues to “installation” issues, for example. Or, you may need to correct a mistake on a large portion of the tester feedback you’ve received or add a comment to multiple pieces of feedback at once - the power of automation (and a bit of magic) ensures you’re able to take action quickly and efficiently so you can move on to focus on improving your product.

Prioritize Tester Feedback - Criticus Prioritatem

Prioritize Tester Feedback - Criticus Prioritatem

(kri-ti-cuss pree-or-eh-TAT-um)

Instantly prioritize all of the feedback submitted by beta testers with this more advanced spell. Simply focus on the feedback type (e.g. Issues, Ideas, or Praise) and recite the incantation: "Prioritatem Ordo." Magically, the feedback will be sorted and prioritized based on its importance and relevance to the product team’s goals and objectives. This spell is particularly useful for sifting through large amounts of feedback and identifying the most pressing issues that need to be addressed. When using tools like Centercode, you can utilize impact scoring to automatically prioritize tester feedback in real time using signals including popularity, velocity, and severity. 

Communicate Results - Resultatum Communico

Communicate Results - Resultatum Communico

(ree-sul-tah-tuhm comm-yoon-ico)

When product development stakeholders in various departments are requesting weekly test results, this spell will save you from having to respond to everyone individually. Start by focusing on the recipients' email addresses, then recite the incantation: "Resultatum Communico." The email will instantly appear in the recipients' inboxes, providing them with a summary of the test results and any relevant information they need to know. Most of the time, stakeholders want to stay in the know, and by ensuring the update email arrives in their inboxes at the same time each day or week, you’ll save yourself the time and headache of fielding those questions and requests for updates. Which is why this spell is particularly useful - it keeps everyone informed and on the same page consistently during the testing process.

Integrate With Jira - Jira Insero

Integrate With Jira - Jira Insero

(JEE-rah IN-sehr-oh)

Magically send issues discovered and reported by testers into a development tool called Jira with this simple spell. To cast, focus on the issues to transfer and recite the incantation: "Jira Insero." When cast correctly, the issues are magically copied into the Jira system, where they can be tracked and addressed by the development team. All too often we hear how product development teams struggle to incorporate beta feedback into their workflow because it’s not reliably copied over and tracked in their system. This spell comes in handy for streamlining the bug-tracking process and ensuring that all issues are properly documented and addressed.

Deliver Dashboards - Reportius

Deliver Dashboards - Reportius


Cast this spell to manifest a powerful, ethereal dashboard detailing key test data. Upon casting, relevant data from testers' devices and their feedback is sent directly to the summoned dashboard, where it can be easily accessed and analyzed by the casting beta test manager. While useful for providing real-time updates on the progress of the test, the spell’s true power is revealed as it helps stakeholders make informed decisions about the direction of the project and the product being tested. A brief warning: if the spell is cast without a clear and specific purpose in mind, such as reporting on the number of bugs found or the overall satisfaction of the testers, the dashboard that materializes may be unhelpful at best and facilitate bad product decisions at worst.

Rate Tester Performance - Particiato Aucto

Rate Tester Performance - Particiato Aucto

(par-TISS-ee-AH-tow awk-TOW)

Throughout a beta test (and at the end), you’ll want to score your testers for their efforts so that you can identify good testers in the future. But, don’t score each tester manually, use this spell to magically add a score to a tester for participating in a beta test. To cast, focus on the tester to recognize and recite the incantation, "Particiato Aucto." When cast correctly, the tester’s score will magically increase, recording their positive contribution to the testing process. Incentivizing good testers becomes much easier when relying upon this spell - use testers’ scores to help you decide who to reward.

Engage the Community - Profilex Udatus

Engage the Community - Profilex Udatus

(pro-fih-lex yoo-day-tuss)

This spell, when cast, will send a request to testers to update their profile information. With your wand pointed at the sky, cast: “Profilex Udatus” and the request will manifest in the testers’ minds as if they’ve suddenly remembered something important, urging them to take action to keep their profile information up to date. The spell works best when cast with a clear and specific purpose in mind, such as requesting updated contact information or adding their newest smartphone to their profile. Ensuring data doesn’t become stale is a critical community maintenance task that shouldn’t be neglected because it could result in misleading test data and ill-informed product decisions. 

Add some magic to your beta program

From spellbinding task management to bewitching bug tracking, the Centercode platform has everything you need to streamline your workflow, increase tester engagement, remain on schedule, and bring a touch of magic to your daily routine to nail your next product launch.

Want to see the magic of test automation yourself? Sign up for a demo!

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