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Product Development

2020 Centercode Content Roundup

December 22, 2020

You can say what you like about 2020, but you can’t say we didn’t learn a lot. This year has forced us to grow and change many, many aspects of our lives, from how we work (#remote), to how we communicate with our team (“Can you guys see my screen?”), to how to dress (hello sweatpants, my old friend).

Our team was right there, too, and we’re proud to say that we continued not only to support our customers with our platform and services, but we supported testing professionals with in-depth content to help them adapt and improve.

Between all the ebooks, reports, webinars, virtual events, and articles we’ve put out in 2020, here are the pieces we think did the best job of helping testing pros succeed in four key areas: increasing efficiency, engaging testers, adapting to changes, and learning from industry leaders.

Increasing Efficiency

2020 Centercode Content Roundup

The ROI of Testing Pre-Release Products with Centercode

Our customers were crushing it this year, and we couldn’t be more proud of the role we played in their success. This report highlights how different companies across several industries leveraged Centercode to decrease time spent testing, increase engineering efficiency, and save millions of dollars in potential costs from undiscovered bugs.

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Engaging Testers

2020 Centercode Content Roundup

The Tester Engagement Pocket Map

This combination ebook-and-worksheet is a roadmap for keeping testers engaged, because targeted feedback is critical to product success. It breaks down the causes of low participation and gives you simple solutions for addressing them.

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Adapting to Changes

2020 Centercode Content Roundup

Inside Intuit’s Beta Program During Covid-19

Wondering what you can take away from the changes brought on by 2020? Beta guru Le’Darien Diaz speaks directly to how COVID has impacted Intuit’s beta program — the good, the bad, and the uncertain. In this conversation with Centercode’s VP of Customer Success Tony Fisher, Le’Darien shares insights into how the software giant’s beta program is taking on challenges and taking advantage of the changing technological landscape.

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Learning from Industry Leaders

2020 Centercode Content Roundup

Delta ’20: The Virtual Customer Validation Conference

Relive every minute of the largest gathering of customer testing professionals in the world. Packed with best practices and practical strategies for continuous customer testing, learn from the best with insights from program runners at Bose, Autodesk, GE, and other iconic tech companies. With 20+ sessions and a dozen hours of content from the event available on-demand, you and your beta program will be ready to tackle whatever surprises 2021 has in store.

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We’re Here to Help

2021 is sure to be full of surprises. But whatever unique challenges and opportunities it brings, we’ve got the experience to help you handle it — and we’ve got your back. See how we’ve helped hundreds of companies rise to the challenge of meeting their markets and perfecting their products in our ebook, Making Good Technology Great.

See Our Unique Use Cases in Making Good Tech Great

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