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Product Development

2019 Customer Validation Content Roundup

December 26, 2019

As we discover the myriad ways organizations are building and optimizing their Customer Validation (CV) programs, our team here at Centercode is devoted to developing content that’s inspiring and useful across departments, roles, and industries.

This year, we’ve surveyed hundreds of companies and done countless hours of research to produce kits, ebooks, infographics, white papers, events, webinars, articles, and more to help CV professionals improve their skills and propel their careers. Below is a roundup of our favorite pieces of Customer Validation content from 2019.

Customer Validation 101

2019 Customer Validation Content Roundup | Customer Validation in 20 Minutes

Customer Validation in 20 Minutes

This quick overview of Customer Validation will show you how to expand your quality validation efforts with pre-release customer feedback. In this ebook, you’ll learn techniques for overcoming today’s product development challenges like interoperability, multiplying use cases, and growing technological diversity.

Discover the specific benefits Customer Validation brings to Product Management with the CV in 20 Minutes for Product Managers ebook.

More Customer Validation Content Highlights

Optimizing Your CV Program

2019 Customer Validation Content Roundup | #1 Mistake to Avoid When You're Writing Surveys

The #1 Mistake to Avoid When You’re Writing Surveys

In traveling across the country to help dozens of teams improve their CV processes, Centercode Product Manager Chris Rader sees a lot of surveys. This blog post reveals the surprising challenge that teams are experiencing the most when it comes to survey-writing — and how to tackle it head-on.

More Customer Validation Content Highlights

Continuous Customer Validation

2019 Customer Validation Content Roundup | Delta Testing 101

Delta Testing 101

Explore practical techniques for post-launch continuous customer testing in this whitepaper. You’ll learn the basic principles of delta testing and how its adoption is bringing the benefits of ongoing customer feedback into agile development.

More Customer Validation Content Highlights

Learning from the Leaders

2019 Customer Validation Content Roundup | Interview with Dona Sarkar

An Interview with Dona Sarkar, Chief #NinjaCat of the Windows Insider Program

Managing millions of testers is all in a day’s work for Dona Sarkar. Get her unique insights for co-creating the future of Microsoft in part one of this exclusive interview, and her strategies for building and developing the Windows Insider community in part two.

More Customer Validation Content Highlights

Looking Ahead to 2020

Get insider insights, proven techniques, and unique Customer Validation content directly from the people on the front lines of the industry. Join your peers for the virtual Customer Validation Conference, a free, online-only event focused on best practices, tips, and strategies for Alpha, Beta, and Delta Testing.

Register Now and Attend the Conference for Free

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