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Content Release

Our Most Popular Beta Management Resources of 2013

December 31, 2013

We add a lot of new resources to our library and our blog throughout the year. Over time, some rise to the top, so we’ve put together the winners from 2013. If you’re new to our site (or just looking for the best advice we’ve shared so far) these popular pieces would be a great place to start.

The Most Popular New Resource

The Real Role of Beta Testing in Product Management – This eBook was the runaway favorite of our new resources. It looks at the perceived role beta testing plays in product management, as well as the true value it can bring to the product development process. It also gives valuable tips on how to leverage beta testing to help product managers connect with their customers and further their own goals. It’s a must-read for any product manager that finds themselves responsible for a beta test.

The Most Popular Resource of All Time

Software Beta Test Planning Kit – This kit has been a long time favorite of our customers and readers. It gives you everything you need to plan a software beta test, including a complete template, companion guide, and example test plan. We also have a version for hardware beta tests.

Honorable Mentions

This year’s other popular downloads from our library include:

The Most Popular New Blog Post

Should I Pay My Beta Testers? – Rewarding your testers for their participation in your test is a tricky business. This post addresses one aspect of that puzzle — how paying your testers cash influences your test. It’s a great read for anyone planning a beta.

The Most Popular Blog Post of All Time

Alpha vs. Beta Testing – This continues to be one of our most popular posts. It breaks down the major differences between Alpha testing and Beta testing, so you can see how both fit into your development process.

Honorable Mentions

Here are some other favorite blog posts to check out:

The Most Popular Case Study

Slice Case Study – This is currently the most popular case study in the Centercode Purchasing Resources Library. It looks at one startup’s experience with our Managed Betas Team as they launched their first product and gives valuable insight into the kind of data our customers get from their managed beta tests.

Hopefully these pieces and all of the rest of our content has helped improve your beta program in 2013. We’re looking forward to sharing more of our best practices and lessons learned in 2014. If you have a whitepaper or blog post you’d like to see, please let use know in the comments below or by email. If you’d like updates when we release new content or post on the blog, be sure to sign up for our newsletter.

Download the Software Beta Planning Kit
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