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Real-Time Product Feedback: Centercode's Slack Integration

May 18, 2023

In beta testing, rapid access to information is crucial. Every bit of feedback, every issue report, and every idea or suggestion submitted by testers can steer the direction of the product. That's why maintaining a seamless flow of communication, so nothing slips through the cracks, is so essential. Centercode's Slack integration is the tool designed to ensure that these valuable insights are shared promptly and effectively.

Setting up Centercode's Slack integration is a breeze 

Setting up the Slack integration in Centercode is easy and takes just a few minutes. With three simple steps, you can start directing valuable feedback from your beta tests into the Slack channels where your teams work and collaborate every day. Simply connect your Slack workspace, select where you want the feedback to go, and send a quick test message! To make things even easier, we've detailed the process in our support article here.

Centercode's Slack integration is easily set up in 3 steps.
You’ll be sending feedback to Slack in no time at all.

Information at your fingertips without delay

Gone are the days of waiting for test managers to relay feedback. With our Slack integration, insights from beta testers surface in real-time, keeping not just your test team, but engineering, QA, and UX informed without hesitation. This quick access to feedback is crucial in the fast-paced product development world. 

Each piece of feedback submitted in Centercode is posted in the designated channel on Slack.

Say a tester submits an issue explaining that they’re blocked from testing a feature as a result of the product’s app store crashing every time they open it to browse for new apps (see ISS-0097 above). With Centercode connected to Slack, the dev team can be alerted when certain keywords are used in submitted feedback so that they can begin looking into the issue and be ready to troubleshoot as soon as the test manager is available.

Providing access to test data just got much easier. All the details you need - feedback ID, title or summary, related features, and the submitter - are available right in Slack, including a direct link to the feedback in Centercode for quick access.

Centercode can push all of the details for an individual feedback ticket into Slack for easy review and notification.
The Centercode Slack integration identifies the project, feedback type, ID, title or summary, details (optionally), related feature, and submitter for each piece of tester feedback.

Product and development teams are excited to link their testing tools together in order to bring the voice of the customer closer to development for faster improvements. Schedule a demo with our sales team to learn more about Centercode and integrating your tech stack.

Learn How Centercode Makes Beta Testing Easy
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