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Inside Centercode

How Virtuous Acts Bring Our Team Together

November 23, 2020

The enormous stress of 2020 has made it all too easy to focus on what we don’t have: parties with friends and family, the ability to travel, some of our favorite holiday traditions…I’ll stop there before I start crying.

But one tradition the COVID pandemic can’t disrupt is expressing gratitude — ’tis the season, after all. And here at Centercode, we still have a lot to be thankful for. In fact, practicing gratitude, staying positive, lending a hand, and carrying ourselves and our team forward is a part of who we are, summed up by the core value of “Virtuous.”

How Virtuous Acts Bring Our Team Together

Virtue is hard to pin down — not because we don’t see it in some way, every day (we definitely do!), but because it often overlaps with our other values. Passion, adaptability, and collaboration all play a part in what makes a Centercoder’s deeds or attitude virtuous.

The truth of it is that while it may be difficult to put a finger on it, displays of virtue bring us together as a team. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we wanted to call attention to just a few of the many, many ways Centercoders have displayed this core value during this crazy year.

Being Resilient

“Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Sometimes there are many trials and errors before reaching a solution. But instead of letting that get her down, Claudine always tries harder and does her very best to move forward.”

“Brannon is always pushing forward regardless of the friction. He’s careful to try to understand a situation before forming an opinion. He is also direct when he does not agree with something and accepts direct feedback, always looking for the best (and more accurate) assessment and outcome. It’s great working with you, Brannon.”

How Virtuous Acts Bring Our Team Together

Staying Positive

“Austin always comes prepared and puts in the time needed to make sure everything is done right. Even when we had multiple sessions between dry runs and final recordings, he maintained a positive attitude no matter how much time it took. Austin is a great partner and a pleasure to work with.”

“There have been only a couple times we have been able to work together since going remote, but each time is always great. Simone continues to be the one person who will always brighten your day.”

“I could pick just about any of the Centercode values to represent how I feel about Kyle’s work ethic and attitude. He has been super positive, encouraging, knowledgeable, gracious, and adroit throughout all of it. I can go to Kyle with almost any issue or question, and if he can’t figure it out, he will figure out who can. Any time I GET to work with him is an absolute pleasure.”

How Virtuous Acts Bring Our Team Together

Lending a Helping Hand

“I’ve heard of a few good deeds from the Centercode team, and I’m sure there are a lot more. Erin making masks for the elderly; Mike bringing supplies to his in-laws; Claudine helping her parents; Luke assisting schools with tech… I’d bet that everyone here has someone they’ve gone out of their way to help during this time. It’s great to work with you all!”

“I was about to reset dozens of chairs for a company meeting but got there to find Patrick and Drew had beaten me to it — and this isn’t a standalone incident for either of these guys. They’re always willing to take a few minutes to lend a helping hand wherever it may be needed or appreciated.”

“Every time I’ve needed IT support, Tony instantly responds with a helpful and friendly attitude. Because of that, I’ve never been without the tools I need to do a good job, and I never feel like I’m bothering him if I need help. He’s a shining star during this dark and ugly pandemic :)”

And one from a customer:
“I have not had an easy day, so I really appreciate that Travis did not give up on making sure I understood everything I was configuring. I really do figure a lot of stuff out myself, but the Customer Success Team is there even when I am having a ‘not the sharpest tool in the shed’ day.”

How Virtuous Acts Bring Our Team Together

You Make It All Possible

As grateful as we are to work on such an amazing team, there wouldn’t be a need for one if it weren’t for our customers and testers. Thank you so much for being with us! We hope you’re finding ways to stay safe and grounded and to connect with loved ones this Thanksgiving holiday.

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