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Test Management

Choosing the Best Way to Collect Beta Feedback

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September 6, 2024

You’ve mapped out your beta test, crafted well-thought-out activities, and now you’re ready to gather the insights that will guide your product’s next steps. But with so many feedback methods at your disposal, how do you choose the one that aligns best with your test activities so you can capture the most actionable feedback? 

Before we dive in to answer that question, here’s a quick primer on the five types of beta testing activities (as covered in the Beta Test Activity Guide):

  • Exploratory Activities: Encourage testers to freely explore your product. This uncovers insights you might not have expected.
  • Prescriptive Activities: Guide your testers through a specific set of steps to make sure key features are working as expected.
  • Scenario Activities: Mimic real-world use cases to see how the product performs in everyday situations.
  • Project Activities: Focus on setup or administrative tasks. These activities get testers ready for the main test but don’t directly test features.
  • Comparative Activities: Ask testers to compare your product with a competitor or previous versions to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Now, let's review the ideal ways for collecting feedback based on your testing activities.

A reference table showing beta test activity types across the top and methods for collecting the resulting feedback along the left. Each cell in the matrix contains a check mark (indicating an ideal fit), a question mark (indicating a potential fit), or an "x" (indicating a poor fit). The table reflects the information presented in the blog.

Exploratory Activities: Capturing Unfiltered User Behavior

These activities allow testers to freely explore your product, uncovering insights you might not have considered. The goal is to observe how users naturally interact with your features.

Best Feedback Methods:

  • Screen Recording: This method is ideal for observing how testers naturally navigate your product. It captures the entirety of their interaction, highlighting where they might struggle or succeed without any outside influence.
  • Talking Head Recording: After exploring a feature, ask testers to share their thoughts via video. This method not only captures their verbal feedback but also their non-verbal cues, providing richer context.
  • Forum Thread: Encourage testers to share their experiences and discoveries with others. This method fosters discussion, allowing you to gather diverse insights that might not surface in individual feedback.

Why These Methods Work: Exploratory activities are open-ended by nature, so they benefit from feedback methods that capture organic behavior and spontaneous reactions. These methods help you uncover unexpected issues and gather authentic feedback without leading the tester.

Prescriptive Activities: Ensuring Focused Feedback

In prescriptive activities, testers follow specific steps to ensure everything functions as intended. These activities are ideal when you need to validate particular features.

Best Feedback Methods:

  • Survey: Structured surveys allow you to ask specific questions about each step of a process, ensuring you receive targeted feedback.
  • Feedback Form: Similar to surveys, feedback forms can guide testers to provide detailed input on particular aspects of their experience.
  • Interview: Conducting interviews after a prescriptive activity allows for in-depth exploration of any issues or successes testers encountered, providing valuable qualitative insights.

Why These Methods Work: Prescriptive activities require testers to follow specific steps, making it crucial to gather detailed feedback on each part of the process. These methods allow you to confirm that testers completed the tasks correctly and gather insights on any difficulties or areas of confusion.

Scenario Activities: Validating Contextual Use Cases

Scenario activities simulate real-world situations to assess how your product performs under typical use conditions. Activities like these give testers a context for using the product to validate expected use cases.

Best Feedback Methods:

  • Screen Recording with Contextual Notes: This method allows you to see how testers interact with your product in real-world conditions, accompanied by their notes explaining their actions or decisions.
  • Talking Head Recording: After completing a scenario, testers can use video to describe their experience, capturing both their thoughts and emotions.
  • Rating Scale: A quick and simple method to gauge testers' overall satisfaction or ease of use during the scenario.

Why These Methods Work: Scenario activities mimic real-world use cases, so feedback methods that provide both qualitative and quantitative data are essential. These methods help capture the complexity of real-world interactions, offering insights into how the environment impacts the user experience.

Project Activities: Streamlining Administrative Feedback

These activities focus on the setup tasks and administrative work that ensure your beta test runs smoothly.

Best Feedback Methods:

  • Survey: A quick survey ensures that testers have completed necessary setup tasks and are ready for the main activities.
  • Email Response: Simple and direct, this method allows testers to confirm they’ve completed their setup and report any issues.

Why These Methods Work: Project activities are typically straightforward and administrative in nature. Feedback methods should be simple and efficient, ensuring that all testers are uniformly prepared without overcomplicating the process.

Comparative Activities: Benchmarking & Competition

These activities compare your product against competitors or different versions to see where it stands.

Best Feedback Methods:

  • Survey with Comparative Metrics: Ask testers to directly compare your product to a competitor’s, capturing their thoughts on specific aspects like usability or satisfaction.
  • Forum Thread: Allow testers to discuss their experiences with different products or scenarios, fostering a broader understanding of where your product stands.
  • Feedback Form: Collect structured feedback focusing on key differences between your product and others, helping you identify unique selling points or areas for improvement.

Why These Methods Work: Comparative activities benefit from methods that allow testers to evaluate multiple products or scenarios side by side. These methods provide clear, actionable insights that highlight your product’s strengths and weaknesses in the competitive landscape.

Combining Methods for Comprehensive Insights

In many beta tests, especially those involving complex products or features, combining multiple feedback methods is crucial. For example, after a Prescriptive Activity, you might use a Rating Scale to quickly assess overall satisfaction and a Survey to gather detailed responses on each step. Similarly, a Scenario Activity could benefit from both Screen Recording and a Feedback Form, capturing both live interaction data and reflective insights.

Combining methods ensures you’re gathering a well-rounded view of tester experiences, blending qualitative depth with quantitative clarity. This approach helps you capture the nuances of user interactions and provides a robust dataset for analysis.


Aligning your feedback methods with the types of activities you’re running isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential for gathering the most accurate, actionable insights from your beta test. By carefully selecting and, when necessary, combining feedback methods, you’ll ensure that the data you collect is both comprehensive and directly tied to your testing goals.

Remember, the right feedback method can transform raw data into meaningful insights, driving your product’s development forward with confidence. So as you prepare for your next beta test, take the time to choose the best tools for the job and watch your feedback turn into impactful improvements.

Want to take your beta test activities to the next level? Check out our Beta Activity Templates for Your Most Insightful Results Ever to start crafting activities that drive actionable feedback and ensure your product’s success. Use the button below to get it now!

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