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Centercode Podcast

How to Scale a Beta Program, Virality, and Creating Value

Posted on
March 21, 2023

We're excited to announce the next episode of the Delta Huddle podcast! Joining Centercode’s VP of Marketing Chris Rader and Technical Trainer Stefan Stenroos to discuss how to grow an internal beta program is Alex Larsen, Manager of Product and Customer Insights at Trimble Inc.

On previous episodes of the podcast, we’ve talked to industry experts on how to build a program, who to recruit, and how testing has evolved over time. This episode is all about taking it to the next level. Once you’ve established a program and built momentum, how do you get other teams to see the value in user testing? And more importantly, how do you get it to go viral, so that user testing happens everywhere across your organization?

In this episode:

  • How user testing and support teams are fundamentally connected
  • The value of user testing as a high-quality layer between customers and stakeholders
  • Challenges in recession and beta testing in a high-stakes industry
  • Customer stories and unique feedback
  • Using KPIs, metrics, and "roadshows" to grow awareness of beta testing
  • How to scale a beta program within a company using Centercode
  • Maintaining a testing program's "internal brand"
  • Grow effectively by creating a need for more resources first
  • Key KPIs and strategies for beta program success

About Our Guest:

Alex Larsen is the Manager of Product and Customer Insights at Trimble Inc. With over 10 years of experience in building beta programs in a primarily B2B capacity, Alex has led high performing teams in executing tests, removing roadblocks to success, and creating a thriving, engaged community of engaged customer testers. Alex is currently leading Trimble's Product and Customer Insights team, which manages user testing programs for stakeholders across Trimble's global footprint of supported products and industries, from commercial trucking to 3D modeling to farming and beyond.

Alex and his team are finding new ways to bring new value to new groups every day. With a passion for technology on the cutting edge, Alex explores new solutions and innovation with other user testing professionals. When he's not changing diapers and watching Bluey, he loves playing hockey and disc golf. Alex lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife and two children.

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