Since Centercode’s early days we’ve had a community of amazing beta testers. They’ve helped our Managed Betas Team successfully test hundreds of diverse products for companies of all types.
Our community has grown organically through word of mouth to nearly 90,000 beta testers. As we’ve grown, our testers have clamored for more products to test, and while Centercode’s growth has resulted in a lot more great opportunities, we wanted to do more.
At the same time, we’ve had countless companies approach us in search of great testers for their own beta programs. Finding and recruiting enthusiastic people who are members of your product’s target market can be a daunting task for any beta manager, and companies of all sizes were struggling with it.
So we decided to bring these two groups together and the result is launching today. We’ve created a new destination for beta testers and companies called Betabound. It’s a place for beta testers to find available testing opportunities that match their interests and for companies to recruit qualified testers for their beta programs.
What Kind of Tests Will Be On Betabound?
Each day the Betabound team will be posting new beta testing opportunities. These will be a variety of Centercode managed tests (called “Betabound Exclusives” on the site), tests from our software clients, and tests other companies have either asked us to announce or are actively recruiting for publicly.
Every opportunity on Betabound will allow testers to take action. We won’t be covering news or rumors. Each and every post will have a way to engage with the company. If you’re an early adopter interested in using new software and technology, this is the place for you.
How Do I Get My Beta Test On Betabound?
Any company can request that we announce their beta test or beta product on Betabound. There’s absolutely no cost for posting. Simply complete this form and we’ll create your announcement and send it to you for approval. Once your post is up it will be seen by thousands of potential testers. Our team will also promote your test on Betabound’s social media channels to boost visibility.
If you’re a Centercode software customer, we’ll also send targeted emails directly to the members of the Betabound community that fit your specific criteria. This way you know that your announcement is reaching qualified testers from your target market.
What’s Happening to OnlineBeta?
After over ten years of service, we’re retiring the OnlineBeta brand. We feel the new name and branding more accurately reflect the next stage in our community’s evolution and our commitment to helping early adopters explore new technology.
The member experience of Betabound is similar to OnlineBeta, but utilizes a preview version of our next generation beta test management platform. All prior member accounts remain, but we’re asking that all users refresh their profiles (which happens automatically at login).
Our entire tester experience has been overhauled to provide a much more polished and modern feel. Our beta tests will be far more collaborative for our testers, with features like voting, open feedback discussions, and bug hunts. The entire Betabound experience is also mobile-friendly, so our community members will be able to do everything from searching for beta test opportunities to submitting bugs easily from their phone or tablet.
In addition, we’re launching a new beta tester facing blog, intended to help new and experienced testers learn to improve their engagement and produce more valuable feedback.
Get More Out of Your Beta Tests
Every tech company does pre-release testing in some capacity, but not every company is getting the most out of that testing. Betabound will play a key role in helping more companies build strong, effective beta programs and ultimately release better products.
If you have a beta test coming up, we hope you’ll take advantage of this new resource to help you find excited early adopters for your product. If you have questions about Betabound and what it means for you, please email hello@betabound.com.
Visit Betabound!